
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Mayberry chronicles continue..

Went to some garage sales today. Bought a fan and a glass pie plate..... :o How exciting it that? My right front tire kept going kind of flat, so we went to Walmart and was going to get new tires, but they had teenagers working in the tire dept. and didn't seem like they knew what they were doing. So, we came back home to our town and took the car to one of the gas station/garages uptown and they fixed the tire. It was leaking around the rim because when the tire was put on the car, they forgot to take off the bar code sticker which was right on the rim area, and it was causing it to leak....so didn' t need a new tire after all. Had them rotated and checked out, so I am good to go now...

Washed the clothes and let them dry outside, it was just a gorgeous day. Then I took Sally for her walk.

Soooo, after all of that, if you're not snoozing yet....here's another chapter in the "Mayberry Chronicles"....

We have a new policeman in town. Since we are a small rural community, we usually are without any type of "law" officers. However, we have a new, young and eager guy filling that spot now. So, last week some kids in the park, painted graffiti on the wooden slides and swings and other objects, like the large pavilion and left it all a mess and looking terrible. These kids, around 15 years old, weren't very bright. They actually signed their graffiti with their first and last names! So, our new policeman rounded them up, along with their parents and they repainted everything in the park. I guess the kids had a good time after all, and avoided getting charged with damaging public property.Bill said they were covered with paint, because they got to decorate some of the smaller objects, like wooden steps, with their hand and foot prints . The policeman also found lots of razor blades in the ground, under the main slide with a metal detector. The razor blades were not put their by these same kids, as they were embedded in the ground and had evidently been there for a while. The policeman asked Bill to come out there with his metal detector today to make sure all razor blades had been found. So, he did, no razorblades, but found 42 cents...hee! I swear this new cop is just like Andy Taylor....no joke!

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