
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

The Scooter Fiasco/ or truck Fiasco...or Help I can't go full throttle

This morning Bill decided to take his scooter, the Hardly Dangerous one, into Salem, as he was having some problems with it and needed to get it to the motor cycle repair shop. So, he put it in the back of our old Ford pick up and headed to Salem, a simple task. He drove as far as Alma (5 miles) and the truck started slowing down and nothing happened when he gave it the gas pedal, yep the fuel pump went out of it. He had to walk back into the main part of town ( population 400) and try to find some help. Fortunately, he knows several people there, so he knocked on the door of the waitress from the restaurant downtown, Donna. Nobody home. He knocked on the door of Bill McGuire, who owns a storage unit business there, no answer. Finally he found his friend Richard, who called the local wrecker service and waited with Bill until it came. Richard brought him home. So, I guess that wasn't enough punishment for one day. Bill got on the other scooter, the red one, which was in even worse condition and drove 10 miles to Salem, trying to get to the same motorcycle repair shop. When he got to the middle of the busy intersection, the light was red, he kept his hand on the throttle giving it gas, so it would keep going when the light turned green. The light turned green, Bill gave it a full throttle and it barely crept across the town square, he said he felt like a little cartoon old man putt putting across the road, he really thought he should just got off and push it, however, it began to pick up some speed when he reached the firehouse, and was going even faster when he got to Diary Queen. He turned the corner when he got to Dairy Queen and was making his way to the cycle shop. He finally got there, the moment he did, that scooter died and wouldn't start again. Bill handed the repairman the keys and told him the things that were wrong with it and left on foot to Dairy Queen. I had to to into town to get him, so I made him buy me ice cream.......and a Dr. Pepper.
All of this happend before noon. Today is his surprise birthday party.....I'm wondering how that will go.....

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