
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Surprise and Happy Birthday, :Bill

Bill is saying: You Lied to me!
Lot of yummy food made by Jeannie, my Sister-in-law.
Everyone ate in an orderly manner..there's mom and Milo on the opposite side.
Bill is so old, it's a good thing there is only one candle....lol.
Bill and the Gordons.....sounds like a rock group!
Heidi, Glen and Alex.
Tina looking at Bill's birthday cards and gift.
He caught me, I was trying to get the "rabbit ears" picture....
So, I told Bill, instead of waiting until he was dead......we made the picture boards for his 50th birthday party. Actually, Jeannie made the boards, Dona and I furnished the pictures.

Bill's new hat!

I didn't get a picture of the table before he tore into the gifts, but he got lots of nice gifts, some money too, and a very nice collectors proof silver dollar from his coin collecting buddy, Glen.

Steve and Jeannie planned a did everything to have the party. Jeannie would not let me take her picture, so I hope Steve got a few and I will add a slide show when I get pictures from him. Anyway, there were around 50 people there, the food was wonderful, everyone had a nice relaxing evening, and the best part of all is that Bill had no clue what was happening until he walked in the door of the community center, thinking he was just going to help Jeannie move a few tables for a fake baby shower....heee....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bill!! You look so handsome! what a fun surprise, I love all the picture boards, it looks like so many happy memories too! Another 50 or so to go..many more fun memories to make!!

Love, Kim