
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Lisa Marie Kicks Butt........

Well, Thanksgiving is over and it's not yet Christmas, so here's a couple of Lisa Marie Presley videos from a few years back.....

First big hit.......Lights Out...back on 2005??? or somewhere there abouts.

A great cover of Dirty Laundry......

and my personal favorite....Idiot

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Somebody's lookin' at me........

One great thing about living here, is that you never know who is going to be out in your front yard. These two deer were having a snack under the apple tree where we had piled apples that were too ripe or had to many worm holes. I took this through the window screen, but it turned out pretty good.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I was just surprised....

I just looked out of my window and it's freakin' snowing!!!!
Sorry for the outburst, but I just wasn't expecting it....

Ahh, winter is here.. :-P

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dinner's Ready when you hear the fire alarm......

Since there is NOTHIN happening here in my little "neck of the woods" literally, I thought I would just show you pictures of what I had for supper....is that lame? Probably... :-)

First of all home-made baked potatoe soup: Baked potatoes, ham, onion, chicken broth, evaporated milk, sour cream parsley, basil and topped with cheddar cheese...
On the side, home-made sourdough bread, just like the cowboys made out on the trail. I have my own sourdough starter I made last winter and have been using it regularly, so all this recipe takes is the starter, flour and salt....that's it, and you magically have bread, after you let it raise forever. It was great with the soup though.

So, you are probably asking yourself..."Why is she taking pictures of food?"...Well, because I belong to a cooking site and you can add your own pictures when you make the recipe.....and so I did, but aren't you lucky you get to see it here in living color?

We had chocolate pie for dessert, but I didn't take any pictures, I forgot....for....afterall, it was time for dessert and the camera was the farthest thing from my mind....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

This ain't Britney

And, it's pretty lame, anyway, Enjoy........or not!....a Nickel Creek cover...

The Real Thing:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Iphone photo of Caleb and Preston

Preston sent me this picture from his iphone. Caleb is growing up so fast, and Preston is still the "dimpled one". Thanks Preston, we love you all so much and it means so much to get pictures from you since you are so far away from us.

Also, Preston, since it is Veteran's Day, I want to tell you how proud I am of you for many reasons, but especially for having served our country for most of your adult life, keeping our country safe, at the expense of being away from your family for months at a time (sometimes even years). So, not as your mom, but as an American, I just want to say "thank you"...

Hugs, mom (I'm back to being mom now..:-) )

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Garret's Halloween Collage

I took a video of Garret running around the front yard in his Halloween costume, since he wouldn't stand still for along, I just took these stills from the video...isn't he just the cutest alligator??? If you click on it, you can see a bigger view of it....

Shelley and Mom have a birthday!

Mom and I drove to Decatur and along with Shelley, Marsha, Kristine and Garret we went to the hospital where Shelley was having a sonagram to see if the next baby is a girl or a boy. We all gathered in the examination room, along with Cary who met us there. So, Garret is going to have a little brother,named, Elijah John sometime around the end of March. I got some great video from the monitor too. After that we went to a craft show that was in the hospital, where we all bought pot holders...:-)...then to dinner at the Olive Garden and then had cake for dessert along with a song from the waiters. It was such a fun day....Garret was just adorable and rode on Grandma Knight's lap while she was in the wheel chair....Oh, and I also chased Garret around the front yard trying to get some pictures of him in his Halloween costume...well, you saw the pictures above...

Thursday, November 06, 2008

The tell-tale heart

I found this buried in the garden. I dug it up and couldn't believe my eyes. It looks like a heart, just like the one buried by Vincent Price in the old Poe tale, "The Tell-tale heart, where the heart kept beating even after it was hidden under the floor boards....constantly beating and driving Vincent mad.................................wouldn't it have been interesting if it had only been a weird sweet potatoe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Speaking of sweet potatoes........it rained so much this year, that the sweet potatoes out of the garden were monsterous and strange shapes, they all weighed at least 2 or 3 pounds. It was like they were from another planet....'The Killer Sweet Potatoes from Outer Space', the Rocky Horror Sweet Potatoe show, Alien 4.....the return of the Sweet Potatoes.....shall I go on?.....No???? Ok, I'll spare you.....anyway you get the "picture"....^

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Birthday Celebration at Milo and Barb's

Mom and I went to Bruce and Barb's today to celebrate mom's birthday and to visit. We had a wonderful time, as always. We had chili w/cheese, crackers, carrot cake and sweet potato pie. These are some pictures from today.....we love you both so much.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Special Day in the world

First of all, Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States at the age of 46...but more importantly today is my mom's birthday....

Happy Birthday Mommy....


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Fleas for sale

It was another beautiful day today. Bill and I took Dona to the flea market in Altamont. I can't believe she has never been there. We had such fun looking through all of the great stuff there. I bought a Waring blender for $5.00, a brand new electric mixer for $5.00 and a Wagner dutch oven, for $25.00, which was a steal. Dona bought some things too. Bill had to tease her about buying a swan because she said she couldn't live without it...:-).

When we came home I walked Sally and our neighbors down the road spent all of this money having a chain link fence put up around their entire house, because they have waaaay too many big dogs and one very little one. It is a yippee little pomeranian mix of some sort. So, anyway, we are walking past their house and they are all going nuts barking...so annoying.....and the little dog escapes and chases us down the road. My dog is a big collie and loud noises scare her. I had to hold her back while kicking at the other dog to make it go home....it chased us a little while longer then took off for the highway. I don't know what happened after that, I didn't see ANY dogs out in the fenced in area today.