
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Shelley and Mom have a birthday!

Mom and I drove to Decatur and along with Shelley, Marsha, Kristine and Garret we went to the hospital where Shelley was having a sonagram to see if the next baby is a girl or a boy. We all gathered in the examination room, along with Cary who met us there. So, Garret is going to have a little brother,named, Elijah John sometime around the end of March. I got some great video from the monitor too. After that we went to a craft show that was in the hospital, where we all bought pot holders...:-)...then to dinner at the Olive Garden and then had cake for dessert along with a song from the waiters. It was such a fun day....Garret was just adorable and rode on Grandma Knight's lap while she was in the wheel chair....Oh, and I also chased Garret around the front yard trying to get some pictures of him in his Halloween costume...well, you saw the pictures above...

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