
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Garret, Lucas, mexican food and tomatoes

Mom and I went to Decatur to visit Shelley, Cary, Garret and Lucas. First we had lunch at the Mexican restaurant. I think Marsha was scared by her food......and Shelley thinks that's pretty funny.
Christine and her birthday marguarita.....Garret's thinking that looks pretty good.

Garret sharing Grandma Marsha's taco salad.
The planting of the tomatoes....Garret helped put rocks in the bottom of the pot.
Marsha, mom and Lucas...
Elvis impersonation....."thank ya, thank ya verrra much"
La la la la la la
What you lookin' at Willis??
I'm cool and don't forgt it, or I'll have to punch you out!
Garret helping us "dig" the dirt for the tomato plants.
Bad mommy squirting Garret with the water hose....hee hee....that was too funny.
Garret showing great grandma the colors of his playdough
After all of the silly pictures, we had to do one that was for real. Aw, he's so cute.

The newest addition to the Yandell family, is the new kitty Roxie....she is hilarious.

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