
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Weed Garden

Before I show you the aforementioned (is that one word?) weeds, let me show you these huge maters. They are now all canned or eaten, but they sure were pretty.
The pie pumpkins still have a little more to grow.

My kitchen counter while I was getting ready to can the tomatoes.
So now, about those weeds. The weeds on the right side of the picture are were the potatoes are that we have not dug up yet. The weeds in the middle and left are actually my tomato plants that have been knocked down and beaten down by all of the rain we have had this year.
My mini-flower bed looks pretty good though.
Ok, the weeds in the center of the picture is my strawberry patch, which I just planted this year, so the plants haven't had a chance to fill in the rows, so the weeds did. The part to the left over by the cabbages is where we planted potatoes, but most of them rotted due to the rain. We cleaned it up and covered it with straw, so we could use it for the fall garden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Those tomatoes are huge! Sheila, I just to see all that you do in your garden. I and tell how much TLC you give them to have them rewarded you so well.
The apple pie and cookies sure looks delicious. Wish you can transport some of that to me.
Love you, Doris