
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Those two Decatur boys again, oh, and some of us big people too.

Well, we were just acting silly here, taking our own picture, Garret didn't quite make it when I clicked the button...
Lucas is wondering "Hmmmm, I sure would like some of that chicken." (cause that's what we had for lunch.)
Garret is thinking "This sure is good chicken."
Shelley and the boys.
Luke is wearing his halloween sox from Aunt. Barbie.
Luke is looking like a deer in the headlights...lol
Great grandma and Garret.
Marsha and Christine came to visit us too.
Garret was getting more used to his jeep he got for his birthday, but he's still a little afraid of it.

When I got back home, the lady down the street wanted to know if we wanted some more chickens. They are Rhode Island Red, so we went to get them, and the people that had given them to her had their legs all tied up, because they gave them to her to butcher. She really didn't want them, so we brought them home and cut the strings off of their legs. They had trouble walking, poor things. They are all better today, they were running around, and fluffing themselves in the dirt. Most people rescue dogs or cats, not us, we are the chicken rescuers. For more on saving chickens go to www.savethechickens.org. I'm kidding. So, now, we're up to 20.

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