
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Woodpecker: an ancient totem of opportunity

Good evening friends! I hope you've had a great day! This gorgeous pileated woodpecker was on our tree this morning...just a beautiful huge bird. He was pretty busy and the wood chips were flying everywhere! Sorry, not a clear picture, he would not pose for me and it was through the storm window...have a wonderful evening...we are expecting more snow..

Thursday, January 30, 2014

My Hero!

 I dropped my camera and broke it! The telescopic lens was stuck sideways and the lens cap broke off... .I have dropped it so many times, and it has been through rain, snow, sleet, hail, heat and freezing temps...I was really sad. Then Bill took it apart and fixed it! It works fine now...except it doesn't have the lens cover, but it's just to keep the dirt off anyway...my husband is so awesome..!!!

Primitive candle....FAIL

Hello friends! Had movie day with mom yesterday, we watched "Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs 2", it was very good and is why I love to watch the animations! Mom and I caught up on the news. Today Bill and I worked on straightening the stuff in the barn, and getting some things organized in there. It looks pretty good now. I'm on Pinterest a lot, and so I decided to make one of those primitive candles out of a roll of toilet paper....not really feelin' it.... I spent a lot of time on it though, so here's a picture. Believe me, it is a messy affair! I probably won't be making any more...time to make some tacos, which will certainly be easier than that candle.....I hope you all have had a great day!
I think this should be called the meatloaf candle..

Sunday, January 26, 2014

A day out in the winter sunshine at Carlyle Lake

The lake is kind of low, but it always is this time of year.

The lake was mostly frozen, but had melted pools here and there...still snow along the shoreline

The sky was so blue today...wow!

Can't believe I got this photo with the sun glaring through the clouds....those aren't UFO's , they're gulls.

Bill looking for treasures in the sand.

Carlyle lake is the largest lake in Illinois!

Pterodactyl tracks...



And no matter what time of year it is, someone has had a party on the beach...

This really old bank sign still being used to day by the Carlyle bank.

General Dean suspension bridge on the other side of the beach area.

These adorable little kids were riding their scooters on the suspension bridge, took a quick shot at them..

There were so many geese filling the sky I couldn't get them all in one shot...a beautiful sight.

Bill on the beach...love the sun beams, it looks like the aliens were stopping by to pick him up..

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Good bye, Captain Pumpkinhead....we will miss you.

The wind!!!! Oh, my! I was getting ready to go outside and Bill came running by the window...now, Bill does NOT run, he moves at the same speed always...lol...anyway, he was chasing a pirate hat, that's funny enough right there, but it came off of Captain Pumpkinhead, our scarecrow that's been in the garden for 3 years now. He's been through a lot this winter, the Captain, I guess it's time for retirement. I hope you all have a great day, and hold on to your hats!

Friday, January 24, 2014

I'm roasting my nuts...hee hee

Hello, friends! Another cold and extremely windy day. When things fly by the window, I'm not sure if it's a leaf or a bird in a hurry....either way, things are moving out there! So, today's project: Cinnamon/sugar almonds...you know, those kind you find at fairs and festivals??? Well, my whole house smells like that today, since I had plenty of time and just used my crock pot to make them....nothing much going
on, hope you have a great day.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Just call me Martha Stewart...

Since it's so cold today, I decided to spend part of my day in the the kitchen....so, here's what I made: Apple pie, with home grown apples, homemade bread, with the help of my trusty bread maker, homemade olive oil mayonnaise, and with the mayo I made homemade ranch dressing...I've been a busy girl, but I've got most of my supper done...I hope you are all enjoying your day too, and staying warm. BTW, if you have never made your own mayo, and especially with olive oil...you MUST try it. It tastes better than anything you can buy at the store....!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Birthday Lunch with the girls!

Had a great time with my ladies today, they took me out for a birthday dinner...thanks, Carol, Linda and Sandie,  it was great fun. A three hour lunch is just what I needed!I got the happy birthday song and a free sundae...good times.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

First try at blackberry pie in my new convection oven.

Good afternoon, friends! It has been a beautiful day, lots of sunshine and blue skies! I made a blackberry pie from berries we picked last summer...I used my new convection oven and I have never had such a flaky crust on a pie, I'm sure it was the convection cooking that made it that way. I used my regular crust recipe, except I used almond milk, because that's what I had available. (I always have almond milk, been drinking it for years now). Other than that, just relaxing, doing some reading and laundry...just another day in paradise....

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hello 65

It's been a very nice day. We didn't do anything special, just re-arranged some things in the house, drank coffee, and I practiced some new faces for face painting season. I heard from all of the kids today, my mom, and my brothers.  Bill just made me popcorn and snicker's bars...so I'm good! Going out with friends for lunch Monday for a birthday celebration! Life is good!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hello Medicare, Medigap and RX payments...

Tomorrow is a milestone day for me, I will be 65...hello medicare, supplemental insurance policy payments, Rx policy payments. I am officially an old people..., thanks for the birthday wishes, my friends, even though it is not until tomorrow! I feel like I've had a birthday celebration all week, with your many wishes....I appreciate you all so much! Have a good night everyone, I'm going to go to sleep before I get any old...lol.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy Early Birthday to me!

Mom took me out for an early birthday dinner today. We went to Applebee's, then she took me shopping at Cato's, got some new clothes, went grocery shopping, rented a movie: THE ISLAND...an older film, but very good! Then we had chocolate cupcakes.. I had a wonderful day, thanks mom...hugs and kisses!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Old dog, new tricks...

I got a new counter top convection oven. Now I don' t know what to do with it...lol..I looked up some recipes and made a toasted cheese sandwich..and that's all it was...toast with cheese...I heated up baked beans tonight..what amazing thing shall I do next....I'm on a roll!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

R.I.P. Frank Moore

Bill and I went to a celebration of life for a friend that we have known for over 20 years. Not only was he our friend, but he was our supervisor at World Color Press and I worked 15 feet from him for 12 years. The church was packed, well over 200 is my guess. There was lots of cheerful gospel music, with instrumental accompaniment and the family all sat up front and took turns telling funny stories about Frank. It was the first time I left a funeral that I felt uplifted. Frank Moore will be terrible missed by this world, but he suffered a lot these last few months and now is in a better place. We also saw many of our past co-workers, as well. We went out to lunch with my sister-in-law Glenna Halterman and brother-in-law Steve Halterman. It was so nice to sit and talk to them, they are such awesome people and I am so lucky to have them in my family. We ran some errands and came home. I hope you've had a good Saturday.