
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I've not seen these birds before, but they are all feeding in my back yard, from what Mr. Google says, they must be cowbirds .I guess they are just passing through on their way to somewhere. Something interesting always happening around here!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

BIRDMAN is full of bird crap...

Mom and I watched BIRDMAN today. I had never even heard of it until the Academy Awards. I can't really see how it won best picture, although it was well done, the actors were superb, and the way it was filmed in long continuous scenes, made it very realistic, but it is by far, not even close to the best movie I have ever seen. The story line was kind of wacky and the ending was just downright stupid. I had to watch it to see what all of the hype was about, but I'm sure I won't watch it again.The background "music", was almost entirely percussion only, like someone was playing on a drum set, and that was it..no music, although there were a few places the background was opera. The best way I can explain it, is that if you were working in the "arts", you may think it's great, because of it's "artsy" feel...interesting camera angles, and plot surprises. Well... that's enough of that. So, to make sure we didn't get too much culture in one day, we watched DUMB and DUMBER TO...it was just that, still dumb, but there was lots of comedy, like the first one. Kathleen Turner was in it, nice to see her in something again. So, I shouldn't have eaten all of that chocolate, my fingers won't stop typing.... smile emoticon I hope you all have had a good day..

Sunday, February 22, 2015

stuck in the 80's

It's been a nice relaxing day today. I've been listening to 80's music all day, right now: Michael Jackson's THRILLER...some great music was made in the 80's...do you all remember the THOMPSON TWINS? I had completely forgotten about them, until I heard...HOLD ME NOW. I did some crafting and we had a late, late breakfast at 2:30 this afternoon. Bill is out in his man-cave taking apart a huge cash register that he bought at an auction, why? Because I wanted some cogs and such to start making some steampunk items...he's the best isn't he? The truth is he loves a challenge, so he's happy out there "figuring out stuff"..lol...That's all I got....hope you all have had a good day.. Now back to re-living the 80's. (SWEET CHILD OF MINE, one of my all time favorites...)
feeling nostalgic.

Projects altered tin trinket boxes

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Movie Day with mom...

Mom and I had movie day today, since I could not get out of my drive Tuesday, I barely got out today, and Bill is going to croak when he sees all the grooves I made getting back in this evening...lol...Anyway, we watched ST. VINCENT, with Bill Murray and Melissa McCarthy. Melissa McCarthy plays a serious roll, and did a great job of it...It's a very good movie. Then: THAT AWKWARD MOMENT...dont' waste your time.....ugh...terrible! I fixed us some fish that Bill caught last summer, fries, slaw and lemon pie. It was a nice day as always, with my dear ,sweet mama....I hope you all had a good day!

Throw back Thursday...2006

TBT.....we went to hear my brother play at Sandoval. We had a fun night of dancing and great music. So here is my beautiful mom and my handsome brother, Milo Knight . — with Mary Belle Westman Knight.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good bye, bitterly cold day..

Snow birds in my back yard...

female cardinal

Dark-eyed junco






Downy woodpecker

Male cardnal

Red-bellied woodpecker


Thanks for the batteries, Alessandro Volta.

G-good, m-m-morning, f-f-friends, it is a might freezing this morning. It was 7 degrees at 7 a.m., but has warmed up to 12 now..We got 1-1/2" of snow last night on top of what was already on the ground. On to other things now....Happy 270th Birthday to Alessandro Volta for inventing the first electrical battery. What would we do without them? Have a great day

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Herb and garden show.

Had a great time at the Herb and Garden show. Bought some Cannis bulbs and some fennel to plant with dill this summer. The lady selling the fennel said that if fennel is planted with dill that swallow tail butterflies will lay their eggs on the fennel, they will go through all of the stages until they are adult butterflies and then they will hang around the garden all summer, so ...I'm game...I'll give it a try. They had two new things this year: a harpist playing some beautiful mood music, and a henna artist. Here are a couple of pix I took with my phone, so they are not that clear. ..I bought some rubber stamps, some inks and some beeswax/honey solid hand lotion. It  also was nice to chat with my friend, Donita Morris, and I bought one of her gardening aprons, that has a huge pocket on the front to fill with produce. I love it!
We ate at the Panda Express, but I am glad to be home where it is warm and I don't have to go out until tomorrow, or maybe tuesday ot Wednesday.... Hope you all have had a great day!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

A few new projects, altered books.

Red Hatters from the past

So , I was going to do a lot of things today, but I decided to just stay home, snowy, very cold and windy, and not really feeling up to par...so I got out some old photo albums. Many years ago I used to do a lot of scrapbooking. I was looking through some old albums today and found these pictures of our first Red Hat group. We had such fun, miniature golf, spa night, scavenger hunts, swim parties, parades, murder mystery night, bingo, and many other fun things. These pictures tell the story for sure. The first one we all posed, but the second one was how we really acted.....good times!