
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Herb and garden show.

Had a great time at the Herb and Garden show. Bought some Cannis bulbs and some fennel to plant with dill this summer. The lady selling the fennel said that if fennel is planted with dill that swallow tail butterflies will lay their eggs on the fennel, they will go through all of the stages until they are adult butterflies and then they will hang around the garden all summer, so ...I'm game...I'll give it a try. They had two new things this year: a harpist playing some beautiful mood music, and a henna artist. Here are a couple of pix I took with my phone, so they are not that clear. ..I bought some rubber stamps, some inks and some beeswax/honey solid hand lotion. It  also was nice to chat with my friend, Donita Morris, and I bought one of her gardening aprons, that has a huge pocket on the front to fill with produce. I love it!
We ate at the Panda Express, but I am glad to be home where it is warm and I don't have to go out until tomorrow, or maybe tuesday ot Wednesday.... Hope you all have had a great day!

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