
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tater Time

I hadn't planned on digging the potatoes today, they could have used more time to grow, but even though I had them in a raised bed, the soil was still very wet, so instead of rotten potatoes, I thought I would just have little potatoes..

Lunch at Cindy's

Carol, Linda M., Sandy and I all went to lunch at Cindy Dice's home today.  Linda Dickirson was in town.  We had such a good time, sat and talking for 4 hours and had a delicious lunch as well.  It's so nice to see old friends!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Butterflies like sugar water too.. :)

Good morning friends! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, ok, it's hot, but still a beautiful day! We have been working out in the yard and garden. Everything is just water-logged. My milkweed was falling over, so had to stake it up, you pull weeds you get mud all over everything. Anyway, enough of the "excitement" around here. I bought this hummingbird feeder because it was bee-proof and wasp proof, but I guess it's not butterfly-proof, but that's ok with me.
  .I hope you are having a good Monday, so far.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday afternoon

We spent the afternoon with Byron and Rose Marie Metcalf at their lovely home. There were many beautiful flower gardens, and Rose Marie and Byron had done all of it themselves...beautifully landscaped. Their arbor covered deck was so relaxing on this cloudy afternoon. Here are just a few pictures of the fish pond, some huge hostas, and these beautiful butterflies. Thanks so much for a wonderful afternoon, so glad we finally got togeth


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Amish Country

We just got home from Arcola/Arthur (Amish country). We just decided on the spur of the moment to go there, we grabbed the mom in law and took off. It just happened that there was a car show at Arcola today, so Bill was very excited. Dona and I did some shopping, and admired the cars and trucks. We ate lunch at The Dutch Kitchen, it was very good, then we hit the farmer's market in Arthur. ( Shady Crest Farm Market ) They were having their fireworks tonight, but there were already so many people there, we just decided to come home instead. It was a beautiful day and only 75 degrees, such a welcome relief after all of the rain. I loved this little Beetle...the luggage rack was filled with vintage luggage and an old gas can....very cute..

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Carlyle Lake near flood stage.

So after our bee adventure, we drove to Carlyle Lake because Bil had seen online that is was about 5 feet above it's normal level, but not to the record stage of 9 feet, however, there was so much water, that only about 5 feet of the beach was showing, the parking lot was halfway covered, and the walkways were 2or 3 feet underwater.....the waves were splashing right up against the barriers, and we are expecting even more rain!

An afternoon with the bees

We had the most interesting day! We went to Mulkeytown, IL, where Bill's grandpa lived as a young man. We went to visit the Leedle Houme Bees Farm. The owner gave us a quick lesson on raising bees, and answered all of our questions, She had just harvested the honey this morning, and it was wonderful and fresh tasting. so I bought a quart and some creamed honey too. We spent well over an hour there. That lady knew EVERYTHING about bees, just fascinating stuff!
Bees cooling the hive

The Bee Shop

Everything you need to start being a bee-keeper

The owner gave us a quick lesson on bee keeping, very interesting.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Hurricaine Bill, go home!

Land mass has not stopped Hurricane Bill, he's been beating us over the head all day!

Summer Solstice flowers

Busy Bee!
I have several of these that are volunteer from last year.
My new favorite perennial , Bee Balm
Mexican gold poppies