
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Sir Lance Abunch.........

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Preston is home for a few days, well, just for two days actually. He is going to Wisconsin to meet Amanda. Anyway, today he came to spend the day with us. Bill was working outside and Preston and I just stayed in the house and visited and had a great time together. I fixed home-made pizza and cherry cobbler with ice cream for dessert. Mom came up for supper too and to visit with Preston. After dinner we watched a movie...A KNIGHT'S TALE. It was very good and was cleverly laced with modern music and present day humor. I give it 5 stars *****. The best part of the movie was GORGEOUS Heath Ledger as Sir William Hatcher...what a hunka hunka.
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It was so nice to see Preston again and to spend some time with him, I was glad mom got to see him too! Preston, we love you very much!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Doggie diaries, part one

Took Teresa to St. Louis today to get a cortisone shot in her back....ouch...Bill went too and AFTER the procedure we went to Olive Garden and had a very nice lunch and a long visit.

Then I came home and let the dog out to run a little since she was stuck in the pen all day while we were gone. About 2 hours went by and I went out to put her up, she didn't want to get back in the pen, so I grabbed her by the collar and was pulling her toward the open gate. She twisted around and got under my feet, I went flying down onto the ground right into all of the mud (2 days of rain here). Sally thought I was hurt and started slurping me in the face. I jumped up and she ran to her pen, she knew she was in trouble!! So, I checked to see if any neighbors were watching (or worse if Bill happened to be looking out of the window)...and no one was. So I had to come in a take a bath....that was my day.:laugh

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Monday, March 21, 2005

Man the Ultimate Survivor

Since these last few weeks have been mostly dedicated to getting the ice cream shoppe ready for business, there is nothing much to write here. All family members are doing fine, Preston is coming home March 25th and that is about it. Spent last Thursday with mom and we had a fun day of relaxing and it is probably our last "Hurrah" until I am again off work next winter....:-(

So here is something extremely fascinating that I saw on the National Geographic channel last night.........In search of the Ultimate survivor. There have been recent discoveries of skeletal remains of humanoid types in Africa and other areas on the planet. These human-types were walking the earth at the same time. Not as an indiviual developing through the millinia as we once thought. These are not skeletons of apes, they have been DNA tested and are definatley human. Many of them lived in the same area and probably were aware of the other's existance. Here is a link to the preview that was on previous to airing:

It was absolutely astonishing what these skeleton remains reveal. What is known as modern man was almost wiped out by a Golaith-like creature with an average height of 6'4". However, modern man in the end survived by some luck and by having a bigger more creative brain. Also, the Golaith like man had a major genetic flaw, in that his skin was not properly functional in cooling him. He had to live in very cool climates and could not run for long periods of time.

This special was two hours long, so I can not possibly type everything here that was theorized , but it certainly opens the mind to a different past than what we have always been taught.

The final "civilizing of man" was when we learned to speak and therefore , communicate with each other. The speaking mechanism was a fluke of nature and is what seperates us from the primates. Well, I could write a book, but I am sure it will be aired again, it is truly amazing.
I can't seem to get it off of my mind today.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Top 'O the Marnin' to yeh...green people

I am so far behind on my bloggin......I thinks me needs a blogger vitamin.....one that would make your brain remember to blog. Isn't that the strangest word?

Anyhoo, today is St. Patrick's day and since I am partly Irish....
I have a book entitled: Irish Cures, "Mystic Charms & Superstitions",

Here is an Irish Remedy to get rid or freckles:

"Anoint a freckled face with the blood of a bvll, or of a hare and it will pull away the freckles and make the skin fair and clear.....Also the distilled water of walnuts is good."

I don't know about you, but it seems it would be easier to distill a walnut than to get blood from a bull......I think I would still with the nuts!

Besides I don't have freckles!

Have a great St. Patrick's day everyone!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Red Neck Central

Ok, I live in the country but don't consider myself a redneck......but.....I digress!...Saturday night we went out with Bill's cousin, Kathy and her husband, Paul. It was Kathy's birthday!....after eating supper at Denney's we went dancing at the Moose club in Salem. Most of the people at the dance were from Kinmundy and so was the band! We actually had such a good time singing along and laughing alot. Bill and I danced alot. I had on really tall shoes and my feet started hurting , but I just kept on dancing. There were about 12 of us at the table, all from Kinmundy. Kathy had several drinks and kept dancing even when the rest of us were sitting down, she was really enjoying her birthday! She was doing this kind of strange dance step, but it looked vaguely familiar!. Pretty soon Bill got up to dance with her and OMG...that's where I saw it...it must be a Halterman thing. I said to her husband..."Do you think that dance step is something they inherited?"...we had a good laugh, but I guess I shouldn't make fun of hubby at least he gets up to dance!

So here is a little Easter joke, just for good measure!
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We got home about 12:30, what a great evening! We haven't danced in ages!

Friday, March 11, 2005

The Great Chicken Escape!

Today is Friday. Bill took off to Michigan with his friend, Paul Neff, who is a truck driver and has been friends with Bill since high school. I talked to Shelley for about an hour and then I called my friend, Anne Roth, and we talked for an hour too!...Then I baked bread and made an apple pie. While all of this was going on it was a terribly windy and cool day outside. It snowed for a while, and then turned to partly couldy. I am listening to music and singing and just enjoying my day while I cleaned and cooked. About 2:00 I went to get the mail, on my way back to the house I see a chicken running along the outside of the fence. I thought one of them flew out until I got a good look at her...it was the Donna Knots...the chicken that was on lock down. She had escaped her prison and was trying to get back on the coop! I can't imagine how she got out. There were huge boards on top of the cage AND the barn was locked! Maybe I should change her name to Houdini!....It was very windy, so I guess that is how she got out of the barn, since the door is not tight but is on a slide...... but how she got out of the cage is a mystery to me. And, of course she went right for the nest and parked herself there! So I had to pick her up, squawking all the way (not me, the chicken) and put her pack in her cage. I put a huge blanket and some more heavy boards on top! If she excapes from there this time I am just going to WIG OUT! This is what she would look like if she was a cartoon.......Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Chicken diaries......Lock Down!

One of the chickens would not get off of the next all day Wed. Bill's mom said it is because she is wanting to nest and hatch her eggs. We dont' want any little chicks, so we had to put her in a cage in the barn. She was not happy!....She is in solitary confinement....or Chicken lockdown, if you will! Dona says to leave her in the cage for about a week and she will forget about it!

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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

What? A week has gone by already?

This last week has been a quiet blur. Not much happening. Getting ready for the ice cream season in many ways. We are relaxing as much as possible, we know what we are in for! I have spent two days with mom, which is always so much fun. We have worked on the chicken yard, making a barricade between Sally and the chickens and giving them more room to run when we are working and can't let them loose. We took a ride around Forbes State park one day last week. Just more or less relaxing. Yadda Yadda Yadda. One week passes without notice!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Fish ice cream anyone?

In honor of the nearing of the ice cream season, I give you...WEIRD ICE CREAM FLAVORS:

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream

    Does fish-flavored ice cream sound good to you? Don't cringe -- according to an article in the Wall Street Journal, it's all the rage in Japan.

    A few years ago, Yoshiaki Sato, the owner of a candy and ice cream shop in the fishing village of Ishinomaki, Japan, was watching a news report on TV about fish that were caught locally, the Pacific saury, going to waste. Mr. Sato suddenly had an idea about what to do about all the extra fish: make fish ice cream.

    Everyone, including Sato's employees and his wife, thought he was crazy. And the fish smelled up Sato's sweet factory. But Sato was on the right track -- not only did people slurp up the fish ice cream, but now he makes ice cream out of sea slugs, whale, turtles, cedar chips, and much more.

    Now Sato helps other towns in Japan make ice cream flavors out of their local specialties -- including pickled orchards in Toyoma, chicken wings and shrimp in Nagoya City, and eel in central Shizuoka.

    According to the article, Japan is not the only country that goes for weird ice cream flavors. In various parts of the U.S., ice cream flavors include praline-chile, garlic, sauerkraut and minestrone.

    But odd ice cream flavors in Japan have really taken off, where Sato's sweet shop began the trend of making ice cream out of local food specialities.

    Among Sato's eighty-plus experimental ice cream flavors that paid off: abalone, salmon, crab, sea urchin, octopus and shark fin.

    Sato had to solve several problems to make ice cream out of fish. For one thing, fish tend to freeze into rock-solid chunks when frozen. Then there's the incredibly fishy smell. Sato found he could solve the freezen problem by soaking the fish in alcohol, which doesn't freeze like water does. And he solved the smell problem in a variety of ways, depending on the fish. For instance, he boils octopus in brown tea, and steams shark fins with green onions and miso soup.

    But saury smelled the worst, and was the most difficult challenge. Sato finally got rid of the fishy smell by putting the flesh through a seven step process, including soaking it in whiskey, brandy, and five other alcohols, then combining it with walnuts, almonds, peanuts and chocolate.

    Kids love it -- especially the specks of fish meat mixed into the ice cream.

    Recently, Sato was asked to create an ice cream out of pit viper, a deadly, poisonous snake. He skinned it, steamed it in sake (Japanese rice wine), and pulverized it in a juicer. According to the Wall Street Journal article, the ice cream that resulted was the color of toffee and smelled a little bit like fertilizer.

    What's next for Mr. Sato? A local village has asked him to make ice cream out of their local specialty: fireflies. Perhaps he'll end up with an ice cream that lights up on the tip of your tongue!