
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, March 11, 2005

The Great Chicken Escape!

Today is Friday. Bill took off to Michigan with his friend, Paul Neff, who is a truck driver and has been friends with Bill since high school. I talked to Shelley for about an hour and then I called my friend, Anne Roth, and we talked for an hour too!...Then I baked bread and made an apple pie. While all of this was going on it was a terribly windy and cool day outside. It snowed for a while, and then turned to partly couldy. I am listening to music and singing and just enjoying my day while I cleaned and cooked. About 2:00 I went to get the mail, on my way back to the house I see a chicken running along the outside of the fence. I thought one of them flew out until I got a good look at her...it was the Donna Knots...the chicken that was on lock down. She had escaped her prison and was trying to get back on the coop! I can't imagine how she got out. There were huge boards on top of the cage AND the barn was locked! Maybe I should change her name to Houdini!....It was very windy, so I guess that is how she got out of the barn, since the door is not tight but is on a slide...... but how she got out of the cage is a mystery to me. And, of course she went right for the nest and parked herself there! So I had to pick her up, squawking all the way (not me, the chicken) and put her pack in her cage. I put a huge blanket and some more heavy boards on top! If she excapes from there this time I am just going to WIG OUT! This is what she would look like if she was a cartoon.......Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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