
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Doggie diaries, part one

Took Teresa to St. Louis today to get a cortisone shot in her back....ouch...Bill went too and AFTER the procedure we went to Olive Garden and had a very nice lunch and a long visit.

Then I came home and let the dog out to run a little since she was stuck in the pen all day while we were gone. About 2 hours went by and I went out to put her up, she didn't want to get back in the pen, so I grabbed her by the collar and was pulling her toward the open gate. She twisted around and got under my feet, I went flying down onto the ground right into all of the mud (2 days of rain here). Sally thought I was hurt and started slurping me in the face. I jumped up and she ran to her pen, she knew she was in trouble!! So, I checked to see if any neighbors were watching (or worse if Bill happened to be looking out of the window)...and no one was. So I had to come in a take a bath....that was my day.:laugh

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