
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Man the Ultimate Survivor

Since these last few weeks have been mostly dedicated to getting the ice cream shoppe ready for business, there is nothing much to write here. All family members are doing fine, Preston is coming home March 25th and that is about it. Spent last Thursday with mom and we had a fun day of relaxing and it is probably our last "Hurrah" until I am again off work next winter....:-(

So here is something extremely fascinating that I saw on the National Geographic channel last night.........In search of the Ultimate survivor. There have been recent discoveries of skeletal remains of humanoid types in Africa and other areas on the planet. These human-types were walking the earth at the same time. Not as an indiviual developing through the millinia as we once thought. These are not skeletons of apes, they have been DNA tested and are definatley human. Many of them lived in the same area and probably were aware of the other's existance. Here is a link to the preview that was on previous to airing:

It was absolutely astonishing what these skeleton remains reveal. What is known as modern man was almost wiped out by a Golaith-like creature with an average height of 6'4". However, modern man in the end survived by some luck and by having a bigger more creative brain. Also, the Golaith like man had a major genetic flaw, in that his skin was not properly functional in cooling him. He had to live in very cool climates and could not run for long periods of time.

This special was two hours long, so I can not possibly type everything here that was theorized , but it certainly opens the mind to a different past than what we have always been taught.

The final "civilizing of man" was when we learned to speak and therefore , communicate with each other. The speaking mechanism was a fluke of nature and is what seperates us from the primates. Well, I could write a book, but I am sure it will be aired again, it is truly amazing.
I can't seem to get it off of my mind today.

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