
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Good bye Rita you bad girl...

Once again we have been hit by a hurricane on the gulf coastal area. This time is was Rita. However, Rita was not nearly as bad as Katrina as far as death and destruction. Rita will be raining on Louisiana and Texas for many days. The levee broke again in New Orleans and so there is some flooding, but not like before, at least not yet.
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I have enjoyed this past week. Mostly just relaxing, getting ready for the pumpkinfest, making home baked bread and cooking for Bill. He is tired of living on Cheetos and Ice Cream...seriously! So now I am back to cooking.

Preston called Wednesday morning from Afghanistan. It was so wonderful to hear his voice. He should be home sometime around Halloween....how appropriate! Amanda has everything settled with the ex-husband, papers are signed and all is well in Phillips-land. Just have to get that boy of mine home safe and sound.

Thursday Shelley called. She and Cary are buying a house. She was very excited and happy. It will be so nice for them to have a place of their own, what with the new baby and all.

Went to mom's Thursday. Went for chinese food then to the craft store. Just had a great time. We bought birthday cards for Kim and Kent and filled them with confetti. They probably won't think it's funny............but WE will!!!

Bill and I spent the afternoon at the Ingram's Log Cabin Village. It was really hot, but we had a good time. We saw some old friends and listened to bluegrass music.

When I went to close the chicken coop tonight, I got my head in a spider web.....ewwwwwww! The chickens probably wondered what kind of human noise that was when I yelped! Gawd, I hate spiders!

Mom and I saw a funny sign .......you know how people say..."This too shall pass"?........This one was in the Halloween section and it said....."Thou too shall pass"...mom and I just cracked up!!! Guess we are pretty warped....MOM, you were here first, must be your fault! *hugs*

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