
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Larry the Cable Guy for president

So I have been off work for one day...one day, mind you and so I spent much time on the internet today, got all caught up on emails, blogs, etc. It is 9:20 and "Rescue Me" is on the FX channel, and Bill has gone to bed. So I am bored. I could go to sleep, but, don't really need to, don't have to get up for anything in particular in the morning. This lovely blogger thingy has a "next blog" button, how interesting other people are and what wonderful writings they put on their blogs. Mine seems so bla.........anyway, I came across this guy's blog, some guy named Steve....

and he had an intersting idea....

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Larry the Cable Guy for President!

Think I am crazy?

Considering what has happened in New Orleans...

Why not have a President who is known for the slogan...



Sounds like a refreshing new approach to Government, from where I sit...


So I have to steal from other people's blogs to make mine intersting..... :-)

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