
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Tomorrow is only a day away.....

Things are better on the gulf coast areas. Most everyone has been rescued and are in shelters, or have moved on to other locations with family or friends. Still no count on how many deaths Katrina has caused though, so all media are cautiously optimistic. The El presidente is taking much flack for the lack of guidance in this horrible disaster. It is now time for the blame game, but I will not play, either way everything was screwed up until the military arrived. They know how to do things, they know the chain of command, no waiting for decisions from too many chefs cooking the soup. So, the levee is now repaired temporarily and the water is draining back into lake Pontchartrain and on into the Gulf of Mexico. New orleans is being drained like a bathtub on Saturday night....go figure...only in America (or Norway or other Dutch countries with dikes)...still the reporters focus on it constantly....but that's ok, we want to know.

Only on more week and I will be closed for the season, I love owning my own ice cream shoppe, but am ready for it to be over....I want to feel human again, I want to paint my nails, wear jewelry and ankle bracelets, lay on the couch and watch tv, go out to dinner....ah, my list is endless, but this post is not.....THE END

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