
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Beam me up Scottie, never saw that one comin'

Thanksgiving has come and gone and we are on our way to ..Ho Ho Ho….Christmas. So, what has happened since our wonderful vacation?

We have gotten back into our normal pattern of life. It seemed weird once we got back home, we were so used to being on the go and everyday had been an adventure, ….things seemed mundane. It was good to be home though, back to our own bed, coffee in front of the tv watching the business news, feeding the chickens and letting Sally run in the early morning.

Mom and I went to Mt. Vernon last week and had a chocolate latte at the Rend Lake College coffee shop. It was a snowy, cold day, so we enjoyed it so much, sitting in the warmth of the coffee shop while watching the flakes swirl around outside the plate glass windows.

Danielle came and stayed for a couple of days before heading west towards home. She is officially out of the military now and is looking forward to starting a new life in Wyoming. Mom came up for supper and we had a really nice time. Danie, please keep in touch, we love ya.

Last weekend Bill and I went to Fairview Heights to the mall. It was fun walking among the shoppers with all of their packages and the Christmas music playing throughout the building.

Sunday morning there was snow on the ground when we woke up, not much, probably about an inch. I went to let the chickens out and the first one ran out and then stopped dead in his tracks, looked at the snow and ran back into the coop! Crazy birds, they get wigged out about everything.

This week mom and I had lunch with Teresa. I will be glad when she is finished with school, maybe we can go shopping and get in some mischief like the good old days.
Mom and I decorated our red hats for the Red Hat Society. I heard from the “Queen Mom”, Rhae Alvis today. We are old friends from school and were co-workers many years ago. We will go to the Christmas party next week and become members officially. Sounds like such fun.

Preston called to tell me that my other grandbaby is also a boy! I told him I was so excited, and couldn’t wait for both new babies to get here. He, Amanda and family had a great time at Disney World last week. Preston couldn’t stop talking about the trip, reminded me of when he was a little boy…kind of pulled at my heart strings for a minute.
I am glad Amanda has made him so happy and now he's about to embark on a new journey, being a dad. We love you all so much!

Shelley called today. She is doing fine also, She and Cary have finally got moved into their new home. They had read the blog about all of our vacation stops and events. Cary just had to let me know I made a fetching wench!!.. He is such a hoot! Shelley was her cheerful, happy self as always. She is just waiting for baby Garrett to be born.

So today we winterized the chicken coop and put a heat lamp in there…hope there are no singed feathers in the a.m.
So that is a quick rundown of the last few weeks since we got home.

Let me just leave you with this little tidbit:

Mr. Sulu is gay…..beam me up, Scottie…I never saw that one coming!
(It's ok, Georga, you're still my hero!)

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