
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Chuck Berry's still got it...............

Dec. 14th we had tickets to see Chuck Berry at his St. Louis nightclub "Blueberry Hill". with all of the upset with the fire and taking care of family members during the last few days. I had just about given up the idea of going. As luck would have it, all was taken care of (at least for Wed.) by 5:30. Bill and I changed our clothes and took off for the city.

Let me just say that Chuck has still got it!....it was a fantastic performance, he sang all of the great old rock and roll songs from the 50's and 60's and alot of wonderful blues. At the age of 79, he was still dancing across the stage and even did his famous "duck" walk. In fact, the room he always performs in is called the "Duck Room" and is lined with ducks of all sorts!. It is a small, intimate venue and I loved it. Bill and I needed some cheering up after the last few days, it was just unbelievable being in the same room with a great Icon like Chuck Berry. I am so glad we made it to hear him sing. He is such a pro and played that guitar like it was his oldest and dearest best friend. What an amazing entertainer!

It was really dark, and they sign said "No photoes", so I had to be careful and couldn't adjust my lighting, but wanted one just to remember the night.

The second picture was when they performed the last song, which was Johnny B. Good and some girls from the audience came up and danced on stage......in face we were all dancing anyway.....how could you not?

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