
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I have no words.....

Since I can't get the date thing to work on this blogger thing, I will just have to type the date in my post.

On Dec. 13th my Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law, Steve and Jeannie Halterman had a terrible fire at their house.
The fire was just horrible, and the loss of their little dog was the worst blow of all. My BIL drives a semi-truck and is on the road allot, he was talking to my SIL on the cell phone when she drove in the drive and saw the house on fire. Can you imagine??? He was in CA. He flew home from Albuquerque, NM and Bill picked him up at the airport. We were all at the house yesterday when he saw it for the first time. He cried, but then, we all went inside and there were some things that they could save. I can't see how they can save the house, but that is what they are talking about. Two bedrooms upstairs only had smoke damage and there were some things inside cabinets that were still OK. They lost their computers and everything that went with that. The top floor fell into the basement, it is just a horrible thing. They are spending the day with adjusters and insurance people today. My BIL/SIL are deeply religious and they kept saying how thankful they were for every little item we found that could be saved. It was so amazing, a true Christian spirit between the two of them. It just made me want to cry hearing them talk like that , so positive. If it wasn't for their little dog, I think they would have taken it all much better, if that is possible. I think it will be ok, eventually. They were offered a free house to live in for as long as they want by one of their church members, so I think they are going to do that for now.

We are going tomorrow to help them clean after all of the insurance people are done with them. Hopefully things will go up hill from here, so everyone please keep them in your prayers.

I titled this post: I have no words, but it appears that I do....I guess I should have called it "I haven't the RIGHT words", because I don't.

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