
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Those silly girls....all except for you mom, you're not silly!

Oh, I SO wish I was having a Christmas Party.....would these not be just the most perfect plates and napkins??? Mooning Santas!.....that is just SO ME!

Yesterday, Dec. 21, that first day of winter.....
Mom and I ate lunch at Applebee's, went shopping at Walmart and finished our scrapbooking page for Shelley's birthday. We had coffee and watched our new Clay Aiken Christmas cd, It was a fun day with mom, as always....hugs...

Today Lydia and Rhiannon called me and wanted me to meet them for lunch!
Those silly girls!!....said they missed me and were hungry for banana splits!!
It was nice to see them, guess they are anxious for Spring and the ice cream shoppe! We had such a fun time, laughing at the Mexican cook in the chinese restaurant!.......What's up with that????

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