
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, October 30, 2006


The Annual Halloween Parade was held Oct. 28th, at Centralia, IL....Since I was wearing spiky heeled boots, we didnt' stand too long. A funny note: When Bill and I arrived at the parade, a group of people started pointing at us an applauding, because we were Pirates.....sometimes it's cool to be a pirate...ha ha..So, we went to the Poplar Place bar and grill where we ran into a few friends that we had worked with at World Color Press in Salem....
We watched the rest of the parade from the deck at the bar.
Here are a few characters we ran into ......

The band was great, some young guys in their early 20's.....they played a lot of alternative music, like Green Day, Jets.....and some oldies, like Footloose....and some George Thorougood.

The place was huge...there is a dining area at the front door, then down a flight of stairs and to this huge room. There were really lots of people dressed up for halloween, but didn't get many of them in this picture.....
This is Missy and she is does my hair, and that's why it always looks lovely...:-).....
All of the finalists for the best costume were young skinny girls with lots of flesh showing, obviously the judge was a 40 plus year old guy.......

This picture is blurred, but I loved the costume....he told me he was a........are you ready?......"One Night Stand"......bwahhh.
We ran into Rob and Kelly too. Kelly was dancing up a storm, but she took time to stop and get a picture with Bill. Hugs, Kelly, so good to see you.
We got home about 3:00 a.m., as we went for breakfast on our way home......some of our cohorts from the party were there too.... THE END

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow what a GREAT time you both had that night! love your costumes. You both have such a great time together! I cant believe how many people are there and dressed up..and One Night Stand was a HOOT! Thanks for sharing your fun times! love ya...kim