
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Strange things are happenin'

Well, I was going to go to bed, but I remembered that I took some pictures of this wooden cross that Bill made. So, I loaded them onto my computer and one of them has a strange light across it. I took both of these from exactly the same spot, within seconds of each other...what do you think? I cropped the second photo, but the original looked exactly like the first photo below..

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gravity again

Good afternoon friends. Had a great day with mom yesterday. We watched GRAVITY...I had already seen it at the theater, but it is fantastic as you know, it is nominated for 11 academy awards. Anyway, it is a very emotional movie and afterwards mom laughed and said "Sheila, I really didn't need all of that stress". then she said she loved it...I think she could have used a xanax or something..lol...So, Bill and I are going to display our crafts at the Country Creek Treasures in Salem, starting tomorrow. If you haven't been there, it is awesome...not your mama's craft store, new and interesting things, and some good stand bys as well. Here are a couple more things we have made, we are having fun working together on the same projects...I hope you all have a great day!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Beach fence 2

Another gorgeous day, so warm,wow! I finished a few more wood projects, my favorite again is a different beach sign. I am out of sea shells now, so guess I will have to go for a different theme...I had many bags of shells, many of them I picked up myself from the beaches we have been to, kept them for years and years...but then cleaned my craft studio up and sold them...stupid me..who knew I would need them? We ordered pizza and had some beers, it's been a good day! The wind just changed and now it's COLD again...it was a nice mini-summer while it lasted...I got my first face painting booking today for March 29th, summer's on it's way...eventually...I hope you all had a great day.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Beach fence

So I'm much better today, and got some things done out in my craft room, my favorite thing, though, is my "beach" fence, because that's where I would love to be right now....it's been another gorgeous day....getting cooler though, 'cause winter is far from over here....hope you all have had a great da

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dream bench

I finished this rustic bench today, it's supposed to be an outside bench, so didn't put too much decoration on it. The yard that no longer has snow, is, of course, nothing but mud. Slosh, slosh, slosh....lol..

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday day

 Today has gone by so fast. We got up early and drove to Omega to the Round Table, but we were two of the few that ventured out on the country roads. Usually the table is packed and others have to move to nearby tables, but we still had a nice visit with Julie and Chuck Rose, and Dave Hanks. The roads were super icy and several times we were floating along on the road with no steering or brakes. Since we were out anyway, we decide to go out for our belated Valentines Day dinner, so we had lunch at Applebee's..yum. Came home. Took a nap. Retirement is so stressful... I hope you all had a great day.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


It is such a beautiful day with the sun making all of the snow look like glitter! It's still cold though...brrrr. I was up early and saw the moon low in the sky, so stumbled around in the dark finding my camera and snapped a couple of pix.....out of the east window the sun was starting to rise...such an awesome place is planet Earth. have a great day everyone!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Miley has nothing on me...hee hee

Some comments from facebook when I posted this:

Happy Valentine's Day!

Red Hatters at the Gathering Place on an icy, snowy day!

Had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today, it was a small group since it was snowing like crazy and I could barely see to get there and the other ladies had the same problem. Let me tell you people, the roads are terrible. There were 4 cars off the road between Salem and Kinmundy and I don' t mean on the shoulder or anything one of them went down an embankment and into a tree, another one was in the middle of a corn field, the others were off the road with their hazard lights on...so my point is...BE CAREFUL or stay home, it's not worth it cause I love you all too much for anything to happen to you.... 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Alas! More snow cometh!

Got home from zumba a bit ago,great class. It was a beautiful day, I spent part of it outside, it was 40 degrees...a heatwave! Stained some furniture and enjoyed the sunshine on my face, but...alas.....we are expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow during the night.... Don't you just love using the word, alas.... lol.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Life is a Rock (But the radio rolled me)

Bill and I having been sitting here drinking coffee, having some chicken salad for lunch and listening to oldies...wow....this song just makes me want these old days back..... when I was a kid and a teenager....and the world was still a magical place to be..

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday Movie Day with mom... :)

Movie day with mom today, as always. We watched 2 really great movies: ALL IS LOST, starring Robert Redford. His sail boat gets damaged and sinks and he has to survive in the life boat. It is VERY suspenseful, but worth the watch. Secondly, LAST VEGAS..very funny, but also a heart-felt story, two thumbs up for this one! Then we had ice cream and I went to zumba. What a great class, a nice large group too! I had a great day, and I hope you did too!

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Zumba and zombies...!

Zumba at 6:00, and THE WALKING DEAD is back, starting tonight at 8...oh, and I made this shabby chic wreath today...

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Herb and Garden show at Mt. Vernon, IL

We went to the Herb and Garden show today in Mt. Vernon. There were several garden booths, but mostly it's turned into a craft fair. Lots of people there though and I bought some delicious home made pasta noodles, and found a craft shop that had everything for half off, so had to donate some cash there..lol..also stopped by Donita Morris 's booth and bought an awesomely cute apron (yes, I wear aprons). and some other great items..had lunch at Fazoli's.Even though it was cold and gray and there is still snow everywhere, it turned out to be a pretty good day. I hope yours was too.

Friday, February 07, 2014

The British Invasion begins.....

How well I remember this, as a freshman in high school, the beginning of the British invasion....50 years ago today they flew into New York and changed the world...my teen years were woven with constant Beatles songs...what a great time to grow up! Every time I hear a Beatles song today it reminds me of something in my teenage life: Prom, Friday night at the Drive In, slumber parties, dances after Basketball games, riding around Salem driving from Reaban's to Dairy Queen, then back again, dancing on Beer Can Alley with all of our radios tuned to KXOK... ...don't mind me, I'm just taking a trip down memory lane.....many of you were there with me...

A pretty yellow rag wreath

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

More snow, more cooking, more rag wreaths...busy, busy, busy

Good afternoon, friends! Still snowing here in Kinmundy and drifting as well. The sun is trying to shine through, though. Anyhoo, those strawberries were mighty tasty yesterday, along with deer and noodles, salad and homemade bread, there's enough left for today...yeah! I made another wreath yesterday, remember I am just using what I have here and haven't bought any new fabric, so I may have some strange combinations of colors and patterns, but that's what makes it fun. I made some cloth rosettes for this one. I hope you all have a great day, and all of you local yokals, stay warm..

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Good morning, friends! It snowed just a bit and is a very cold morning here in Illinois. Bill went to have coffee, so I am just listening to some music and having coffee until I have a better plan for the day. Here is the other rag wreath I made yesterday..they are such fun, once you get all of the fabric strips ripped up. Guess I'd better go do something constructive....like maybe have more coffee..

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Saturday afternoon...

Hello friends. Boy, it's been a dark, dreary rainy day....my favorite kind of day! Bill was cutting down some dead trees and I took him some coffee and we sat and listened to oldies in the truck and watched the birds play in the rain for a while. I made this rag wreath a while back and don't think I post
ed it on here, but I made another one today that looks completely different. It's an easy project to work on while watching some old movies on a Saturday afternoon. I'm too lazy to take a picture of it right now...lol.. I hope you enjoyed your day too!