
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Cake mix cookies...and balloon party...

It's been kind of a low-key day today. The boys slept late, so we got a late start. We made cake mix cookies, how easy these are! I let them decorate them. Garret would add a chocolate chip to a cookie, and then eat one, add one, eat one..lol.. Then they wanted to eat all of the cookiesl, but I KNOW I would be in trouble come supper time...then we blew up balloons. We put the dogs out and the cat ran and hid and we had a balloon party, which really turned out to be a "see- if- we- can- hit- grandma- in- the- head- with- a- balloon" party..they had a great time and so did I. Then we went outside, going to rain a lot tomorrow, so they played on their scooters and got bored and came in to watch cartoons. I hope you had a great day!

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