
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

First time lunch at Smoked to The Bone

What a gorgeous day! Sunny and 67. We had our lunch at "Smoked to the Bone" in Iuka, Illinois.  The food was fabulous! It was so packed when we first got there, that there was only one empty table.It didn't take long for the place to empty though. The food is served on metal pie plates on big wooden picnic tables, as well as regular dining room tables. We loved the atmosphere and the food and plan on going back sometime soon. There are also homemade pies, and all of the many types of meats are smoked right there on the premises. After lunch we ran some errands for a few hours, and then drove through the park, where lots of kids were out on their bikes and skateboards and playing basketball. No one needed coats today...we stopped by the reservoir and sat on a bench to watch the sunset...then we went to DQ for ice cream.... and now, home with a cup of coffee and ready for some season 6 of Madmen...I hope you all had a great day...

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