
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Eerie sunset

Anyone else see how bright red the sun is right now? I tried to take a photo of it, but my camera actually would not register it, I guess because of the brightness? As it started to set, I managed to get these few photos, but still doesn't show the brilliance of it....it looks almost like another planet. Maybe it's Nibiru.. well, let's hope not...either way , it's beautiful.

Lunch with the ladies of '67

I had lunch with my ladies of '67 today at the La Cocina Mexicana. We had a surprise dinner guest, Carol Jeanie Clark Marks, who came home from Branson, MO and joined us today Also, Theresa Crouch! So good to see you both. We ate outside, it was such a pretty day and wasn't too hot. We had great food and a wonderful visit with each other...sending out lots of love to those who could not make it today, we missed you...I hope you all are having a fantastic day!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Froggy came to visit

We were outside sitting in our swing last night, just enjoying the evening, and something landed on my shoulder, I started to freak out, because, you know, I thought it was a big spider..I started to brush it away and it didn't feel like a spider, then it jumped again and landed on my leg, it was just one of our little tree frogs..so I just let him sit there and then he jumped onto BIll's knee and stared at him for a long time.. There are lots of them around here, they live inside an old bird bath/fountain that I made into a planter, it is right by the swing. soon, he jumped onto the side of my craft room and onto catching insects.....

Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial day Dedication to my family members

I would like to thank my many family members who have served our country on this Memorial day: First of all my son, Preston Phillips, who is still serving, my twin brothers, Kim and Kent McKelvey,, my sister-in-law, Sylvia McKelvey, my son-in-law, Cary Yandell, my two uncles, Bob Westman and John Westman, Jr., my dad, Bob McKelvey and my step dad, Milo Knight....If I forgot someone, please forgive me, it was not intentional..Thank you to ALL of those that have served our great county to keep us free and safe.

Preston Phillips

Kim and Kent McKelvey, and yes, there names were switched, Kim is on the left and Kent is on the right.

Sylvia McKelvey (Kim's wife)

My uncles, Bob Westman and John Westman, Jr.

Cary Yandell, my son in law

My dad, Bob McKelvey, the short one on the left.

My step dad, Milo Knight

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Taco Pie

Keto crustless taco pie...its what's for dinner, along with homemade kraut and dill deviled eggs....yummy!

Friday, May 24, 2019

My daughter and friends

Shelley and some of her cath lab nurses/friends, she loves her job and her team. She's the third on from the left..

Always good to see family

This would be me!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Storm that wasn't...

We are so glad we decided to come home today. We stayed at the campground and made breakfast and then came home...AND NOW.....we are under a tornado watch.until 10:00 tonight. My son just called me from Collinsville and told me to be careful, that it was coming and it was bad. (he mostly wanted to talk about the Game of Thrones finale though. ) Anyway, everyone be safe here in Illinois, this storm means business..* Update...storm was nothing at all, it had lost it's energy by the time it got here, so we just got lots of rain..

The storm

It was a beautiful day and evening camping, just loved it! We were going to stay another day, but an unexpected storm hit last night. It was supposed to be here tonight. Our motorhome was actually shaking. The awning outside sounded like the next gust of wind would rip it off. Bill went out in the pouring rain, lightening, wind and all and got it down at 4:00 a.m. Bless his heart..so here we are everything is drenched and its 49 degrees. Might be a day of Scrabble in the camper, or we might just go home. Mother nature pulled a dirty trick on all of us. The campground is completely full. That is all.

Monday, May 20, 2019

First Camp of the year...woot!

Bill enjoying his coffee by the campfire at Carlyle lake tonight...a perfectly beautiful night!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Preston and family

Congratulations to our granddaughter, Hannah Phillips, on her graduation from Fort Knox High School yesterday! Way to go! Love this picture of my son and his beautiful family!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Lying here in my hammock on this beautiful, warm day..
Perfect! Here's my view.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Just a gorgeous evening tonight, everything is so green after the morning rain..

Why the clams, Bill?

I sent Bill to the store a while back for something, and he also came home with a can of diced clams..just one little can..lol...so because I love a cooking challenge I started looking on Pinterest...and found this stuffed mushroom recipe and I had everything here, so with our herb-crusted lamb chops and Greek salad, we had clam, cheese onion, pepper and garlic stuffed mushrooms cooked in a lake of butter in the oven......SO good! So except for an hour walk in the sunshine, that's actually about all I accomplished today...I hope you all had a good one...sorry no pictures, Bill was waiting at the table with his knife and fork..

Monday, May 13, 2019

Shrimp Sausage Skillet Dinner

We had this delicious shrimp, sausage skillet dinner tonight! It was wonderful! I hope you all have had a good day!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Happy Mother's day to my mom in Heaven

Since it's Mother's Day, and I miss my sweet mama so much, I thought I would share with you things about her that most people don't know. I was looking through some old photos today feeling, nostalgic and sad, but grateful that I had this wonderful woman for my mother and best friend I love her so much, and truly feel the loss of her daily., So here goes: My mom was a trained, professional singer. She traveled with a band called the Reveliers and was their star performer She also performed around the Centralia area (her home town), such as the Band Shell where live entertainment was performed often and of course, sang at church... She was a very private and quiet person most of the time, but had this wonderful sense of humor, and would do anything for a laugh when we were together. She loved Clay Aiken when he was on American Idol, she kept pressuring me to watch him for ages...finally I did, and I became a fan too..We went to many,many live concerts, met other fans, who remain friends to this day, and we used to joke that we were "groupies"... She loved the Red Hat ladies, and boy, did she know how to wear a hat! She had two older brothers, Bob and John. She knew how to play the steel guitar. Both my grandma (her mom) and my mom turned prematurely gray at a young age. Most of all she was always beautiful, even as a young child. Best of all, she was the best mom ever to me and my 3 brothers.. If you stayed to read all of this, I appreciate it very much, everyone have a great Mother's Day.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Lunch with the Red Hatters today

I had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today..it's always a great time. In fact, I totally forgot to take our monthly picture, too much talking and laughing. I hope you are all having a great Friday! Also, thanks to our hostess, Joan Bourland-Foltz, we all have a new red hat, a new scarf, or a beautiful handmade hat stand...

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Is it the moopocolypse?

It must be a little boring in the cow pasture....I was just walking by and they all gathered at the fence and just stood there...lol..they have such sweet faces..I think I'm being stalked by cows......

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Girls day out with my team members at Country Creek Treasures

Shopping at the flea market

Debi trying to ride this bike lawnmower, she had to have help from these gentlemen though...at least she didn't fall off, but she couldn't GET off,  Sally had to help her pull her leg back over the bar..

The Kaskaskia Dragon

Walking among the neanderthals

Lunch at Witt's smokehouse

After some more shopping around town, we stopped for ice cream at Culver's

Last stop the Cross at the Crossroads

A very faint rainbow around the sun

Oops, I forgot the picture of the whole dragon
Had a fun day trip with my team members from Country Creek Treasures today...We went to Vandalia first, hit a couple of flea markets, then had our pictures taken with the Kaskaskia Fire Breathing Dragon, which is listed as one of the unusual tourist attractions in Illinois. After that we drove on to Effingham, IL, and had lunch at Witt's Smokehouse, delicious food! We went to the Country Peddler's where we did some more shopping, and then to Good will, of course. We followed that with ice cream from Culver's and our final stop was the the Cross at the crossroads, a beautiful 200 foot metal cross, surrounded by stone monuments with the ten commandments.......of course, some of us had already been here a few times, but it is always very impressive...all in all it was a fabulous day, with lots of craziness and laughter...I hope you all had a good day on this gorgeous 72 degree, sunny day!