
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Britney Spears, expired driver's license and all that jazz

It was a kind of mundane week, summer has set in, Tuesday was the longest day of the year (more day light hours etc), and it has been extremely HOT! It was 99 degrees today (and remember, that is always in the shade, people! When that weather man is giving us the weather, the temps are always measured in a shaded weather box, so along with bad predictions about the weather, they Lie to us about the temperatures too!

Anyway, about my title of this post. Back in the year 2001 Bill and I went to see Britney Spears in St. Louis at the Riverport. YES, Britney Spears! Remember, when she was just staring out and was doing a fine job? ...... So we had to have some I.D. with us, and I took my driver's license. Well, I got to looking at it and realized I hadn't had that color of hair for years..lol! Come to find out my license had expired TWO years previous, which means I had been driving for two years without a license! So, I went that next Monday and got them renewed. Fast forward to last Thursday......again...I was getting something out of my wallet and I just happened to look at the expiration date!!!!!!! Jan. 2005!!!. So, Friday, I get up early and get everything done and Bill takes me into Salem to the DMV...and the person is waiting on me and getting my money for a new license......when she looks at the back and there is a sticker that says the expiration date had been extended until the year 2009!.....Do I remember sending off for this sticker? She askes.......Would I be standing here like and idiot if I HAD ??? That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

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