
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The day of the skunk

I didn't know it at the time, but Monday was to be the "Day of the skunk(s)"....It was a normal day with normal customers. Evening came and things got a little slow, so Rhiannon and I went outside and sat at the picnic tables to have a soda and relax a little. It was about dusk. Rhi was looking behind me towards Ted Rinkle's house. She said...:Look there are 2 baby skunks out in their yard. We kept watching and then there were 3. I went and told Ted and Joyce that they were proud parents of 3 baby skunks living under their front porch. Pretty soon, Ted came outside. I dont know what he thought he was going to do, but he kept picking up one of the skunks by it's tail and moving it away from the house. The other two ran back under his porch. The skunk became "pissed off" and began attacking Ted's shoe. Ted kicked at it a few times, and then he got sprayed. These little skunks were only about 8 inches 10 inches long (if that) and that included their tail. Soon, however, the entire neighborhood smelled like skunk! It's a little hard to sell ice cream to people when it smells like skunk! Thank goodness we only had about 15 minutes left til closing time. And, now you know the REST of the story.

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