
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Secret Garden of Alma- Revisited

I spent some time with mom today. We went to Walmart and then to Subway for lunch. I really miss our times together right now! We had a great time anyway, just always so quick. Winter's comin' mama!...Can't wait to do some scrapbooking!

Anyway, it is once again very hot and dry. The poor chickens are running around with their mouths open and their wings extended, poor things! Bill made them a birdie bath on the ground, but all they do is drink out of it, guess they don't have any swimming suits!

After I helped Mallory get everything going at the ice cream shoppe I came home and on a whim grabbed my camera and headed back to Alma. I hadn't been to the Hester Memorial Garden for quite a while, and with very little rain lately, I wanted to see if it was still full of flowers and it was.! I took a few pictures, but didn't stay too long...so hot! It still looked beautiful, but pretty parched. There were some new things added, like a chiming clock in the wall of the vault and a statue in the rose bushes.

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