
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sweet Things picnic and/or rainfest

Today was the scheduled Sweet Things picnic. And, of course, it rained and rained. It hadn't rained for a month, but on a day we NEEDED sunshine, there was none. The girls all arrived at 1:oo and we organized everything and everyone was aware fo where they were supposed to be and what they were to be doing. They posed for this picture right before we opened. They all looked so cute.

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We opened to NO customers, but lots of rain...what a disappointment! Bill was there with the weenie wagon and we were also serving chicken dinners and giving away coupons and discounts, etc. Suddenly, the sun appeared and everything turned around. I was a happy camper, uh, er, a happy corndog lady...!

We advertised in the local newspaper, the Farina News, that if you wore your cowboy hat to the picnic you would get a coupon for free ice cream. We had several people wear their hats..these little guys looked to cute to pass up for a picture.

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Suddenly our parking lot was buzzing with activity...we were swamped with customers and had lots of fun. I ran into the ice cream shoppe and snapped a quick picture while the girls were working, what a bunch of hams!

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At the end of the day we were all exhausted, but happy. Many people won coupons and said they enjoyed our chicken dinners. There were so many customers wanting to sit outside that they used the bales of hay and both picnic tables.

I couldn't end this without this picture of the day.....our local newspapeer editor wore her DOG'S cowboy hat and even posed for this picture......she gets the award for "BEST OF SHOW"....I mean, best hat.....Shirley....what a hoot you are!
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And, NOW they want to have a LUAU!!! (the girls)
Stay tuned

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