
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

World Events.......well...MY world, anyway

It is Sunday once again, mostly the only day I have to catch up on things at home and in cyberspace. This week I had a surprise visitor......Danielle popped in at the ice cream shoppe with her neice and nephew. I was so happy to see her. I thought she was still in North Carolina, but was on leave and visiting her brother in St. Louis. We visited for a couple of hours. She looked great and seemed to be just fine. She is coming back in December to visit and to stay a few days with us. Danie, thanks so much for such a wonderful surprise, it just made my week!

Thursday mom and Elouise came to see me too. It has been kind of cool and cloudy this entire week, so things have been a little slower at the ice cream shoppe. It was nice to have time to visit, though. I miss mom though, just a few minutes of visiting each week. We will have to get reconnected this winter.

Darren's birthday was Friday, June 3rd. I talked to him for quite a while. He is doing fine and was hoping to have a nice birthday.....he was at work.....how fun can that be?

Bill has been working at the new flea market at Altamont. It has been a successful venture. I drove up there yesterday and surprised him. There was a pretty good sized crowd and he made alot of money. He was happy to see me. We don't have much time together right now, but are planning a nice vacation in November. I am sure I will be ready for one by then, after the events of the summer and especially Relleke pumpkin farm!

I tried to feed the chickens some oranges today. I even cut them up in little pieces. They just turned up their beeks at it..........I thought chickens liked fruit?.......Oh, yeah, George (rooster), DID eat some, but shook his head....ha ha....made me laugh.

Next Sunday is our big picnic at Sweet Things. I hope it doesn't rain.......but we will have it anyway. I think it will be fun, the girls are going to wear their cowboy hats, as we are having kind of a western theme. I like my poster I made for the ice cream shoppe and for the paper.....the link to the poster is at the end of this post.

Well, gotta get to the ice cream shoppe soon, I am putting in the BLUE ice cream. Always a fun flavor.
picnic poster

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