
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Chicken Diaries......Part....#.....??

Did you know that chickens like Twinkies? No, really, did you?

Today was 98 degrees (in the shade, people!). Bill sold lemon shake ups in the town square.......ok, it was really at the Sonoco Station....he made $120.00, just selling lemonade. He had a great time, but got REALLY too hot. Anyway, he came home and we had a beer outside under the trees by the chicken pen, so we let them out to run....oh, but before that happened........I felt sorry for them, so I turned on the water hose and sprayed it up into the air so that it would land on the ground like rain......boy, did they scatter....lol!...I got the rooster pretty good though, his tail feathers were dragging....ok...back to story......so, we are sharing a beer under the trees and I was eating a twinkie. The chickens heard the paper wrattling when I unwrapped it, so they were right at my feet! I threw out a couple of pieces and they gobbled it up...it was funny seeing their beaks with the fluffy white stuff on them, soon they all ran for the water bowl, guess it's kind of hard to eat twinkies when you dont have any teeth...........Blondie was eye-balling my toes....I guess she thought they were worms....Bill was encouraging her to peck me...but she never did!

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