
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter, Everyone!

Everyone arrived in the afternoon and we had a great time with everyone talking at once and laughing and holding baby Garret. I spent most of the time holding the baby, so wasn't sure what pictures actually got taken! I stole all of mom's too. Of course, I took many many more than what I posted here, but with the stupid dial-up it took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to upload one picture, so I tried to put represent everyone that was here. Garret was half-naked baby today, he had a really cute Easter outfit, which Shelley kept wanting to put on him for pictures, but here were our choices....screaming baby WITH easter outfit on (because he was very hot), or happy baby with clothing optional! We went for Happy baby or sleeping baby, always better than squawling baby, right Shelley? Cary? ...the world of parents???

I made a mexican fruitcake and everyone helped themselves because...did I mention, ...I was holding the baby? Mom came up for dinner at Dona's and then we migrated over here, she looked so purdy in her purple outfit! Darren and Mindy came too, which was a nice surprise because I thought he had to work! Kelly and her daughter, Ashley came by also. It's always nice to see Kelly, since she has been Shelley's best friend since kindergarten (or maybe before, they were our neighbors). She is considered a member of the family and was in many of our pictures we took through the years.

Garret has grown so much and Shelley and Cary are fine, if they could only get some sleep!

Preston and Amanda, I wish so much you and the family could have been here too, can't wait to hold baby Caleb...July seems so far away...............hope you had a Happy Easter, give all the little ones hugs for us all! Love you all!

That was our Easter here in Illinois, with the main focus on everyone taking turns holding Garret....he is so sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sheila, OMG....baby Garret could NOT be any cuter..love his picture with everyone and your mom looks so beautiful! That Four Generation picture is my favorite! Grampa Bill is cute too....love the captions.

So happy you were all able to get together for Easter! Thanks for sharing all your fun family memories with us in your blog..


P.S. I still want extra hot fudge please!!! LOL