
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Red Hat Spring Fling of "006

April 1st was our Red Hat Spring Fling. I was truly happy that mom felt like going. We all rode with Pat to Benton. The place was amass with Red and Purple ladies. Some of the outfits were really unique. Mom and I wore our "bird" hats. I just couldn't resist putting chickens on top of mine, mom put a beautiful red and purple bird on hers, she always has so much class..but I'm just goofy!...so off with the chickens I went! The theme was "New York, New York", so we all had our picture taken with the Statue of Liberty! Mom and I got "tattoos" of the Red Hat Logo. I bought a book that was autographed by the author, Anne Marie Legan( she was actually there autographing them) entitled, "Tattoo of a Wolf Spider"...a thriller....looks to be a good one! There was a lady doing characatures, vendors selling paintings of the New York skyline, handmade greeting cards with 3-D red hat ladies on them. Mom bought one! Paper flowers, etc.. We were all visiting and laughing with the other ladies. A delicious lunch was served (buttered new potatoes, steamed vegetables, baked pork chops, lasagna, hot rolls, brownies, cake, and drinks. It was delicious. There was some entertainment in the afternoon, but I thought it was not very entertaining, except for the karaoke guy. He was an older guy, but could really sing. Mom and I ran around taking pictures of everyone and everything. We ended the day with everyone singing the old Blue eyes hit, "New York, New York". This is just a few of the pictures I took. Don't we all look festive????
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