To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained.........
no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.
Ben Ownby and Shaun Hornbeck found alive in Missouri
This is such an amazing and bizaare story I wanted to post it here, even though I am sure we will never forget it. On October 5, 2002, Shaun Hornbeck,( on left) then 11 years old disappeared from his home town and was never heard from again....... until today. His parents have been on a crusade to find him and have dedicated their lives to helping others with missing children........fast forward to Monday, January 8, 2007, Ben Ownby was walking from the school bus to his home and disappeared also. One of Ben's friends, who always rides the bus with him, Mitchell, 15, happened to notice a battered white toyota pick up truck driving iratically down the road. When Ben's parents called him he told them about the truck and Ben's parents notified the police. Two policemen on a routine call to arrest a different person, spotted a white toyota truck with some distinctive markings as described by Mitchell. It turns out the these police men know the man, Michael Devlin, that the truck belonged to, as he worked at the local Imo's Pizza. One thing led to another and the FBI came to the location, and inside they found not only Ben , but Shaun, now 15 years old......this is only the basic details, but it is truly amazing. Since there there has beena whirl-wind of media and personal appearances by the two boys and their families. I know they have much healing to do, so our prayers are with them.......stay tuned.....
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