
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Genkota winery, Mt. Vernon, IL

Bill and I drove to Mt. Vernon and had a long leisurely lunch at Chili's. I had mango iced tea, grilled pepper chicken with romaine lettuce topped with fresh grated Parmesan cheese on pita bread....OMG.....it was just wonderful. Then we went to the winery (Genkota winery) and tasted wines for quite a while, good thing I had lots of food in my stomach. We talked to the ladies that run the place and they also make the wine. The grapes are actually grown there, the vineyard is in front of the building. The building has a wrap around porch where they have parties in the summertime. The business is owned by a local chiropractor that just makes the wine as a hobby. Last year they won -over even the California wines - with a wine they call "Three Dog White", it is made of three different kinds of white grapes. The day the fermentation was completed and they were ready to bottle it, they still didn' t have a name, they happened to be listening to "Three Dog Night"...and then it hit them "Three Dog white".....true story....anyway, they won some kind of national wine competition and came in first place over all wines...The contest itself was in California. Most people don't know this, but there are hundreds of wineries in Illinois. That concludes my travelogue for today...

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