
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

A visit to historic Alton, Illinois

This is an arial view of the Mississippi and the bridge from Alton, Illinois Since we missed New Year's Eve and have more or less been housebound for the past week, we decided to take a drive somewhere, anywhere to see some different scenery. It was a beautiful warm day for January. Our first stop was Starbucks in Effingham where we had white chocolate mocha lattés and listened to John Lennon while sitting in soft comfy chairs in the morning sunshine. What's next? Bill asked me, I hadn't a clue. So he suggested we go towards Alton, Illinois, an old historic town along the Mississippi River. The drive was very enjoyable and it didn't seem to take long at all, even though it was over 2 hours. We drove through the many narrow and hilly streets until we reach the waterfront. We sat a while and watched the people and then we took a walk and watched the sun set on the river. There are many antiques shops, bed and breakfasts, historical monuments and tourist attractions. Alton is the most haunted city in Illinois, but to take the haunted tours, or haunted boat rides, you have to call ahead, as they are always booked up. Since this was a spur of the moment trip, we couldn't take part in these fun adventures that will be for another day. Also, I didn't take my camera, but wish that I would have. The downtown area, only a block from the Mississippi, is still an "old time" town square, with original buildings, tall, ornate and all clumped together tightly. It is just beautiful. We drove home listening to Irish music and eating ice cream, could you ask for a better day?

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