
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, January 12, 2007


The national Geographic Channel had a new forensics type show on tonight about what killed King Tut.....The scientists did an MRI and then created a three dimensional computerized image of King Tutankhamen's entire body and head. They spent much time going through every strange break, marking, etc. to discover what killed him at the young age of 19. Not only that, but a life size three dimensional sculpture was made of his head. This part I found the most fascinating, as the artist added the customary eye liner, and lip make up worn at that time. It was amazing. The above picture is an actor, but his face looks very close to the artist's final work.

After much examination, the scientists found that king Tut's left leg had been broken, not just fractured, but completely broken along with his knee cap which must have been destroyed in this leg injury. So, the final deduction was that King Tut died from infection from the open wound that was caused when his leg was broken. All the speculation of murder, poisoning, or some kind of degenerative illness was laid to rest...once again, it was the bacteria.......just like in The War of the Worlds.......most always truth is stranger than fiction...

Below is a link to a short video from the show.

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