
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The dimpled one and family come to Illinois

Preston, has just returned from his 4th tour in Iraq. This was our first day together since his return. It's a rare event for all of my babies to be home at the same time. We had spaghetti pie, home made sourdough garlic bread, cole slaw, brownies, and Pineapple cake. The little guys had a good time getting to know each other too.
Left to right: Top row, Darren, Preston, Shelley, Left front row: Amanda, Caleb, Garret and Me.
Caleb with mom and dad.

Hey, Let's order pizza.......!!!!

Someone always has to be a comedian........

The Jim Cary of our family.....allrighty then.....
Star trek.................

Grandpa Bill got home from work just in time to give Garret a drink of soda...

A good time was had by all.


Kimberly said...

Yeah!! Such a handsome family! Thankyou Preston for all you do!

OMG.. the boys are ADORABLE!!! could they be ANY cuter? so great they got to hang out and get to know each other too..fun times! I want to try spagetti pie? You are an amazing cook!

Thanks for sharing.. looks like a fun reunion get together..

love ya!

Kim Thomas said...

Preston! Welcome home!! Thank you for serving our great country! We are fortunate to have you protecting us!