
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Garret's 2nd Birthday Party

Garret has a fascination with helium balloons....can you tell? This is my favorite picture, well, wait, they are all my favorites, who can choose???? Here stands the mighty Garret, with his trusty broom....
Welcome to Elmoville!!!!!!!! (Giggle, giggle, giggle, laugh, laugh laugh, roll in belly, laugh, laugh)
Welcome to Elmoville
Family and friends.

Garret loves his grandpa Bill...
Time for presents.....let the ripping and tearing begin!

Here, grandma, hold my stuff!

I love my broom! Now, I can help mom and dad........NOT!
My and great grandma Knight..
Time for cake....and more Elmo...
Yeahhhh, I blew out my candle, by accident, I am applauding myself and so is mommy.

Think I'll just have me a bite....

My new table is cool...
The day ended with grandma and mom taking me for a ride in my new wagon..!


Kim Thomas said...

He's too cute. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Well now that looks like a fantastic party! SEAT backs on wagons! I love it. Could he look more adorable. Glad everyone had a great time, all the balloons were really cool, the one of him looking up sure is a keeper, and another favorite of mine was with great grandma Knight.. beautiful!

Happy Birthday Garret
