
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I was chatting with the dog walkers, not the dogs.

I just took my dog, Sally, for a walk, and everybody was out with their dogs, there was lots sniffing going on , while I chatted with a couple of them. There is a guy across the main road that is in a wheelchair, he has a beautiful black lab, that is so friendly. I stopped and talked to him for a while too, Sally really likes that dog, they just looked at each other and twitched their ears and the black dog gave her a kiss... 8-), she put her ears down after that...guess she wasn't in to it... :P

Now, if you read the above, would you think I was sniffing and chatting with the dogs, or the neighbors walking their dogs? Yep, my brain works in mysterious ways. I sent this to a friend and she was confused....hee

The above fits into that catagory of "How to destroy english grammar in 4 seconds". Of course, I was only writing an email, so I guess good grammar and proper sentence construction doesn't really matter, but I thought it was funny, so her ya go....

1 comment:

Kim Thomas said...

I destroy grammar all the time. My husband corrects me, it's annoying.