
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Last day with Preston and family

Caleb gave us the "thumbs up" when we said our final good-byes today.
Mom, me and Caleb.....three generations. Is he a ham or what?

Our adventures today: After a fun lunch at Arby's, we went to the "Rusty Nail", which is an antique/craft shop and has the coolest things for decorating your home. Amanda and Preston loved the place. We found out that Amanda is a distant relative of Abraham Lincoln! Caleb found a metal board with letters on it that he played with for a while there and they had a model train running all around the top of the inside of the building, he thought that was great! I got dizzy as I kept turning him around to see it go all along the upper wall! Mom and I had some chocolate mint coffee that they had samples of there too. They have an old rowboat in the middle of the store, and inside of the boat is full of water that bubbles and there are real fish in there too, it it surrounded by frogs of all types, not real frogs, but the kind you sit in your garden or in your house, it is so cute. Caleb kept wanting to put his hands in the water. So, he had a good time in the store too.

We did a little shopping at Walmart and then they had plans with Preston's best friend and a good bye dinner with his dad. They will be on their way back to Minnesota to pick up the other two kids in the morning.. Then they are going back home to NC and then next week are driving to Disney World where they will be staying for 8 days. Wow, all of that driving! They are used to it though, ah, to be young again!

Thanks for a wonderful visit, son! Maybe next time we will come back to your house for a visit.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Could Caleb be any cuter? he just makes me want to crack up looking at his smiling face! And you ladies look gorgeous as usual! Happy you had a nice family visit, and it sounds like a fun place to go to!