
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Stormy weather....who sang that?.. Lena Horn?..Etta James?...

Today was a warm spring day...wait a minute...it's JANUARY..oopsy mother nature must be on Prozac..cause it was 69 degrees today (the recored is 70). People were running all over town like it was summer time, the sun (yes I said the sun) was shining and it was just a day that made you happy............until later!

The weather channel kept reporting all day about storms. It was humid and warm and a cold front was coming, but then the weather people have lied before, so we didn't pay much attention.

So anyway (anyway)..I went to bed about 10:30 and was sound asleep when the sound of the wind work me up out of a dead sleep. Bill was still awake and I ran into the front room. The wind sounded like a train (un-oh)...then the power went out. We got the flash lights and got under a big cover on the couch....I said " What....are we going to tell ghost stories?"..

The storm went on forever.....it finally subsided but the power stayed off until about 5:00. still it kept raining. Seriously, I have started on the ark...

Somebody help me...who sang "Stormy Weather"????

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