
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Visit

Mom and I went to Subway for lunch, as usual. It was a pretty nice day for February. After lunch we got on the internet and ordered some wine for Kim and Sylvia from the Genkota winery in Mt. Vernon. They showed us such a great time on our vacation and Kim and furnished mom and I with laptop ibooks. We sent them three bottles of our favorite wines in appreciation. After that we went to the Health food store and mom got some peach tea and I got organic raw sugar. I thought the lady that owned the "Nutrition Center" had died, what a surprise to see her sitting there as always, glad I was wrong!!

Then we went to uncle Bob and Aunt Betty's house and took them some of our eggs. They really appreciated them. It was so nice to visit with them. Got to visit with Rob too! After an hour or so we headed back to mom's and then I came home. It was a really enjoyable day! My time is running out here, winter is about over, so I try to enjoy each day!

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