
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Donuts, coffee cake and a trip to the "junk" stores

Milo "Tex" Knight
Wanted for wearing stupid hats
Also goes by the name: Milo "fake foam cowboy hat" Knight.
Not armed or dangerous.....seriously....forget it, there's no reward!
Sisters-in-law.....or is it Sister-in-laws...
Mom and aunt Barbie....whatcha thinkin' about there, Aunt Barbie?
Mom, Barb and Milo
Mom, you are supposed to TELL us when you are going to take the picture!
There, that's better!
Chelsea wanted to do a little "dog" modeling for her port folio!! This is her best side.....not mine though!!
Side-ways rabbit ears on my bro!
A great treasure found at the junk store, Barb found this really cool.......................thing. Anyway, it's cool and has colored twinkle lights inside of the mesh.....we weren't sure what to do with it, but, again, it's cool! I found some great stuff too! We had a great day, as always.

Oh, and the donuts and coffee cake were yummy, so that's what we had for lunch!

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