
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A strange thing happened on my way to the chicken coop

We built the chicken coop in 2004, it was a cold and rainy day, which I will never forget because it was a perfect day, plus we had a great time building it and had hot chocolate afterward.

So, anyway, let's back track a little. A few years before 2004 I was shopping with Shelley and mom in Decatur and I bought this great pair of solid gold ear rings. They were shaped like a crescent moon, and had a star on the end of the moon, the were made in a smoothe thick loop. I wore them everyday, they were my favorite ear rings. Then one day I noticed one was missing out of my ear. I kept the other one and the years went by. Every now and then I would run across that one gold ear ring in my jewelry box and would wish I had the other one, because I really like them so much.

Fastforward to today...July 11, 2008. I went out to feed the dog and chickens as usual. When I went into the chicken pen there was a black bird kind of walking around in there. One of his wings was damaged. I thought maybe he was looking for food, so after I let the chickens out of the coop, I went over on the south side of the coop and put a little feed out on the ground for him too. Of course, I scared him and he limped away, kind of half flying. At that point I turned around to leave the pen and there gleaming in the sunlight was my gold ear ring. It had been outside for 4 years! It was still in good condition and I had walked that very area hundreds of times and it wasn't there. So where did it come from and where had it been all of these years? I'll never know, the sun was just right where it hit the shiny gold, the black bird was just on that side of the coop and I happened to look down at the exact spot where it lay in the dirt.....I figure it was my lucky day, so I bought 5 lottery tickets....

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