
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm still not a millionaire.....oh, well, it's just money

So, I bet since you read my last post you thought maybe I was out spending all of my earning from my lottery tickets......didn't happen. I'm still among the majority, meaning NOT a millionaire. Oh, well, I got my gold ear ring back, so I guess that's enough good fortune for a while.

Mom and I went out for lunch yesterday to Arby's, we brought home some cherry turnovers for our snack with our afternoon coffee.

We went to the second hand store looking for my southern belle type dresses to wear to a Red Hat event in September, but all we found was prom dresses for skinny teenage girls. We still have some time though. I think I will just buy a Halloween costume. I told Bill last night I would get the "southern Belle" dress and hat and wear it to the Red Hat event, and then I could wear it for Halloween and we could go as Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lincoln. I mean, all he needs is a top hat....one of my friends told me to not forget the mole...:-) ....

I made zucchini bread today with zucchini out of the garden. The Japanese Beetle traps are working great, I have caught thousands of them in those bags. At least they have not invaded the garden, just some of the blackberries.

Bill will be home soon, I have a roast baking with potatoes and carrots from our garden, it smells great in here. However, I will be having Mexican food, because tonight is our regular Red Hat meeting and we are going to the El Rancharida, or something like that....can't remember the name, but I know where it is.

So, that's all that's been happening here in Mayberry.

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