
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, July 18, 2008

There's a mattress under my car.......

Shelley went to get a mattress for Garret, since he is ready for a big boy bed. First, she dropped Garret off at grandma Marsha's house, and while she was there, she decided to just take Marsha's truck to pick up the mattress. She buys the mattress and puts it in the back of the pick up truck and realizes she has no tie-downs. She had some in her van and car, but.....she had Marsha's truck. Shelley is driving 20 mph to Walmart, where she planned on buy tie-downs to finish the trip home with the mattress, of course, this did not take place at that time.... A gust of wind came along and blew the mattress out of the back of the truck, right onto the road in the direct path of an oncoming vehicle. That car ran over the mattress and springs and got stuck on top of it....Shelley had to call a wrecker to get it off, the driver of the other car was NOT happy, even though I think this is hilarious in hind-sight! So,anyway, the wrecker came, the police came, the car was pulled off of the mattress and springs, and Shelley got ticketed for "endangering a mattress" or something, and has to pay $75.00. She finally got home at 8:00 at night, and the mattress??? Well, it's a little low on one end, but after all of that she just put it on the floor for Garret to sleep on until they can get the bed frame.......I'm just envisioning what fiasco will be happening with the bed frame...:-)

This is a true story, it really happened, and it could only happen to Shelley, because that's just the kind of luck she has sometimes.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

OMG.. are you kidding me! I am laughing but telling myself at the same time, this could have been serious.. and I sure Shelley was not laughing at the time! LOL wow.. I keep wondering what kind of mattress she bought that a car couldnt run over and got stuck! LOL LOL really? "endangering a mattress" you are too funny! I am glad no one was hurt though.
